Monday, October 22, 2007

Panera Bread....Rocks!!!!

As a traveling salesman I'm always on the go and spend most of my time in the car running from meeting to meeting. I have a few great tools that help me get a lot done during the like a phone with a zillion minutes and a crackberry....ops...I mean blackberry to check my e-mails. Its amazing how much you can get done anywhere and everywhere you can get a signal.
After having these tools for several years you almost find youself lost without them.
Over the last couple of months I've found a way to take this vitual office thing to the next level and help myself solve a big personal issue. When I travel I found myself grabbing lunch in all the wrong places..... and making myself believe that its OK because I'm so busy. I also refer to this work week activity as "Going for The Quick Comfort Lunch". McDonalds Value Meal on Monday.....Burger King Value Meal on Tuesday....D'Angelo Number 9 on Wedneday....Wendy's Value Meal on Thursday....and Friday is wide open for White Castle, Taco Bell, KFC and any other fast food place you can think of. These fast food places are everywhere and are found right off of most major roadways. The speed in which you get your meal using the drive through lens itself to needing a quick bite because you are running late. If I had any self control I would attempt to order some type of salad from these places.....this so doesn't work out. Let me sit here and enjoy this shitty fresh salad while everyone around me digs into a meal which is what you really want.....Cheeseburger and Fries, Nachos Bellgrande or Steak and Cheese with the works. Pretty much a meal that will fast track you to a heart attack, diabetes and additional money spent on clothes to a handle your expanding waist line and/or man boobs.
Then some genius created Panera Bread. They offer a whole menu of good food that is a lot healthier than anything descirbed above. Their menu consists of Soup, Salad & Sandwiches to order. They make their own bread and rolls daily for the sandwiches and will slice up a loaf of whatever to go as well. Most of their locations have generous seating space of booths and tables/chairs and a gas fire place. The decor is very vibrant with bright earthy colors, classical music flows in the air, trendy lamps that hang off and walls/ceiling and tiled floors in the heavy traffic areas. The restuarant enviorment as a whole is very open and encourages the patrons to hangout for a bit. Kind of a place to catch up with friends over a coffee, bring your coworks for lunch or capture a little time for yourself reading or surfing the net.
The one genius move they made is offering FREE WiFi so you can bring your computer and access the internet. This has been huge for me during the lunch hour. I've been able to access my e-mails, dowload attachements and connect to other work related sites. I call it a relaxing way to increase productivity. Starbucks has WiFi but it cost you if you don't already have Mobile T.
The one last important item to mention is the employees. They work extremely hard as a team to put out your order ASAP. Panera Bread couldn't employee slackers because they wouldn't last 5 minutes. They also employee individuals with specails needs to help with the table cleaning, dish washing and tray gathering. I had a chance to chat with a guy who specializes in job placement for special needs individuals. He mentioned that Panera Bread has been extremely supportive to their program all over the country. I was happy to hear that they take the time to give someone less fortunate a job so they can feel like a productive member of society. I was a recruiter prior to being a salesman.....and will always remember the countless reactions to someone being offered a job....and being proud of themselves.

I'm impressed with the overall product they offer and believe the free WiFi is a great way to attract the repeat customer. Attached is their main website if you want more info or their locations.

Chow for now.

1 comment:

Rosehawk72 said...

I agree! Panera has saved my behind on more than one trip when the free wi-fi in the hotel didn't work! The ultimate in multi-tasking ;)