Monday, July 30, 2007

Star Trek - The Best Captain - Debate

I was reading another blog regarding Star Trek and it made me wonder "Who was/is/going to be (Star Trek is in the Future) the better Captain. I have had the opportunity to watch almost all of the episodes in Star Trek, The Next Generation, Deep Space 9, Voyager, & Enterprise. For starters I will leave my opinion and my reasoning behind it. I welcome input and comments.

Kirk - Granted he was the first Star Trek Captain we were introduced too back in the 70's. He was aggressive, tough and known for romances with various aliens from planet to planet for the greater good of peace. Let's face it Kirk was a Cowboy and made sure those he encountered knew that the The United Federtion of Planets were here for Peace but we don't take shit from anyone. He had great instints during a battle but didn't always handle his interactions with other new species the best. Without Spock at his side his time as a Captain would of been limited - Overall Score B+

Picard - He was the most diplomatic Captain of them all. He would rather put up shields then fire on an alien. Picard was a good captain for the times. He had the most talented crew and knew how to get the most out of them. The Federation was going through their growing pains. Trying to expand but needed to continue to florish the relationships they currently had. Picard needed to be the thinker for this version of Star Trek. He had Ritker who had an edge similar to that of Kirk. Together they made a great team.

Overall Score B+

Janeway - She had the toughest assignment of all the Capitains. She needed to merge two crews into one without any assistance from Star Fleet Headquarters. They were only 300 plus light years from the nearest starbase otherwise know as federation space. Imagine everywhere you one has a clue who you are and what you stand for. She was Starfleet and didn't have the support of other captains or top brass to help her with her decisions. I believe her pitfall as a Captain was her emotions. She seemed too emotional in her decision making process and I believe limited her overall success as a captian. She did a great job keeping the crew together.

Overall Score B-

Sisco - Captain Sisco was the Captain of Deep Space Nine. I feel that he had some of the best qualities of all the captains. He was as tough as Kirk, patient and diplomatic as Picard and as compassionate as Janeway. He had one of the most challenging assignments of all the Captains. He never got a break from the different non-federation species. He had to maintain federation law on a space station with those who were not required to be part of the federation. He had a worm hole on the port side of his station that opened to a whole new part of the galaxy. He had to welcome non-federation speices onto the station for trade, but also in the hopes for ongoing peace.

Overall Score A

Archer - He had one of the most crusial and toughest assigments as the FIRST Enterprise Captain. There wasn't really a handbook on how to be a Captain in outerspace. Several spieces wanted to see earth fail. Archer didn't do a whole lot right from a combat and dipliomatic standpoint. He did learn from trail and error and helped lay the pavement for all the Captains. This was one of the hardest times to be a Captain. The Federation didn't really have their idenity away from earth and top brass wasn't much help at times. Living and Learning from mission to mission really help him and his crew grow. Archer had one of the least talented crews due to their limited knowledge and backgrounds around space travel.

Overall Score B-

The Contract - MOVIE REVIEW - Click here to see more info on The Contract

I have to say I've only seen one movie with Morgan Freeman that I didn't like.....and this wasn't the one. This is a typical in the wrong place at the right time....and lets take the moral high ground kind of movie.

The plot has to do with a father (Cusack) who wants to redeem himself in the eyes of his son and runs into a world-class assassin (Freeman) he wants to bring to justice. Freeman's buddies are out to find him so they can get back to business. I don't like giving out the total story line because the fun of watching a movie is figuring out what is going to happen without someone telling you. I thought the acting would be better with Freeman and Cusack leading the charge. I thought Freeman made the most of his character and Cusack didn't seem comfortable in his. There was not chemistry between the characters or even between Cusack and his son. I've never found Cusack's acting scope to include "A Father or Father Figure" He has always been the lone, misunderstood person, that means well, but mostly misunderstood until the end of the movie. I like him best in the LONER roll because that is where is acting shines. The story line seemed to steal from several movies over the last decade that had to do with runaways, fugitives, assassins and presidents. As I watched the movie I couldn't help but recall other movies....during certain scenes. I found this a tad distracting. I also fell asleep a couple of times and had to watch certain parts over. The speed of the movie compares to mowing your lawn in 1st gear. Most of us that mow lawns prefer a higher speed because we have other things to do and want to save time. Just like this get anixious to push the acting and plot lines to move faster. I don't rate my moves with stars or thumbs. I have four main catergories. Should or Should of seen in the Theature, Rent it first thing when on DVD, Catch on DVD if you have nothing else to watch, Wish you had 2 hours of your life back.


I rate this movie......Rent it if you have nothing else to watch. Cusack and Freeman are great actors.....Freeman does a good job with his part which makes this movie somewhat watchable. The link is listed on the top if you want more info on the movie.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Things I hate - This Week :)

This blog goes againist my main goal in life which is stay happy and positive. I'm only human and during a week I feel empowered to list just some items that week in and week out get to me.

1) - How they package lunch meat at the deli in the grocery store. When you go to open the cheese or lunch meat they fold it so the price sticker will rip the bag when opened. This immediately makes you question how long the deli items will stay fresh. Why can't they place the price sticker flat rather than fold the plastic bag then stick. I'm making a mental note to see if they can do this without going against the "Deli Slicer Code". Its in a zip lock bag...I just don't get the folding.

2) - During a conversation with a friend, business associate or anyone for that matter.......
They start the sentence, comment, conversation out with the following. To be honest with you.......
I'm cut from the cloth that honesty should be automatic. Do people need to use this "To be honest with you" because they lie most of the time. It makes me about you. No LIE to me...OK it's a bit annal but I have a point.

I will have more to post in next weeks blog...The Things I hate - Next Week. Back to work lunch time is over. The road is calling my name......