Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Things I hate - This Week :)

This blog goes againist my main goal in life which is stay happy and positive. I'm only human and during a week I feel empowered to list just some items that week in and week out get to me.

1) - How they package lunch meat at the deli in the grocery store. When you go to open the cheese or lunch meat they fold it so the price sticker will rip the bag when opened. This immediately makes you question how long the deli items will stay fresh. Why can't they place the price sticker flat rather than fold the plastic bag then stick. I'm making a mental note to see if they can do this without going against the "Deli Slicer Code". Its in a zip lock bag...I just don't get the folding.

2) - During a conversation with a friend, business associate or anyone for that matter.......
They start the sentence, comment, conversation out with the following. To be honest with you.......
I'm cut from the cloth that honesty should be automatic. Do people need to use this "To be honest with you" because they lie most of the time. It makes me about you. No LIE to me...OK it's a bit annal but I have a point.

I will have more to post in next weeks blog...The Things I hate - Next Week. Back to work lunch time is over. The road is calling my name......

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