Friday, November 30, 2007

Exporting Call Centers - Who was the Genius that Thought of This?

Everyone can ignore my comments in my last blog about being more positive. Its official....after further reflection it’s not in my nature to be one of those happy go luck, passive type of fellows. Lets face it....I could never be a Jedi....but definitely a Sith Lord. I ran across a web site that asked you questions to determine if you would be a Jedi or a Sith Lord. Mine came back with a 98% rating as Sith Lord. lol

Moving On......

I have a total beef with Corporate America. Over the last couple of weeks I have had three separate issues that required me to call a "Customer Service Department". The experience for each has been extremely frustrating.

First Up...


I made the genius move of losing my check card somewhere. In turn, I call the credit union and reported the debit card lost. The rep on the phone was very nice and even told me that this has happened to her in the effort to make me feel better. Then she told me that she needs to transfer me to the Check/Credit Card Department so they can arrange for me to get new cards. The next thing I know I'm on the phone with a guy with a heavy Indian accent. I have no problem with Indian people at all. I have met some wonderful Indian families. My personal experiences have led me to believe that within their culture they are focused on family, education and establishing gainful employment. As I am on the phone I relay all the information to verify who I am and what account I need a new card for. I happen to have 4 different accounts with the credit union. A personal checking account, business checking account, joint saving account w/ Abby and credit card account. First he tried to cancel my credit card, and then he tried to cancel my check cards for my business accounts. How hard could this be? I gave him the exact info he needed. He put me on hold 3 separate times to speak with his supervisor. The annoying part is he made me verify who I was 3 separate times....same freaking questions over and over and over again. After a 45 min conversation on the phone he informed me that my new cards would show up in 7-10 business days. My cards arrive 10 business days later and I call to activate them. I reach a women with a heavy Indian accent...she verifies who I am. I asked her a couple of times if I use my same pin number....and she informs me that everything should be the same. I place my card in my wallet and hand Mary her new card. The next day Mary calls me from the check out line at the grocery store indicating the card is not valid. This time I call the credit union directly and they told me that we have new pin numbers for both the cards that usually show up a week after we get the cards. Great....this would have been helpful to know during all our conversations. I double checked the letter that came with the card.....Nada. The good news is we have the option to use the cards as credit cards or debit cards.


It was Saturday afternoon and I receive a call from Charter Communications about a special they are running on their cable services. Earlier this year, I consolidated my home phone, home fax, cable, and high speed internet all over to Charter. I was saving about $65 a month having everything with Charter and I picked up unlimited long distance and free voice mail. The women on the other end of the line was reading off some script in front of her and was difficult to understand due to her heavy Indian accent. I had no idea what she was trying to offer me so I tried to simplify the conversation. OK....This is what I am paying. I currently have these services with you. What can you offer me that would give me more for less? A half an hour later and being placed on hold a couple of times they were able to offer me more cable channels and a faster internet connection for 35 dollars less than what I was paying. Then she made me run around the house for 20minutes connecting, disconnecting then plugging and unplugging the cable modem and cable box. After this she total me that she needed a tech to get into the house on 28th to finish the adjustments. The night before the 28th Mary gets the automated call that they will be coming out to the house between 8am and 1pm. Mary wasn't happy about being trapped in the house and just hoped they would arrive sooner rather than later. 1 O’clock rolls around and she calls the Cable company to find out what the deal is....I have a slang word I look to use in these situations.....find out what the dealio is. Mary ends up speaking with someone from one of the local offices. Come to find out there was no need for the tech to come in, around or near the house. All the changes were done automatically. With a baby in one hand she runs around the house connecting, disconnecting, plugging and unplugging the cable modem and cable box. Gees, didn't we all ready do this. Then I get a call from Mary somewhat annoyed with how everything was handled. You are so mistaken if you think the story ends The next morning I get up make coffee, feed all the pets and turn on my computer to check my e-mail. Go figure no internet connection. What the F**K!!!! I reboot the cable modem, wireless internet and the computers. No go....F**K!!!!! I call the internet division of the cable company and get this new automated system. Hot voiced computer chick asks me questions, makes me reset the modem. We must have gone through 6 different tests. Then she determines I need to speak with an actual person and transfers me. Sure enough on the other end of the phone is an Indian fellow with a heavy accent. He makes me verify all over again who I am and pretty much has the personality of a rock in a rock garden. Then we continue to turn shit on and off and on and off. What the f**k this must magically change something. The he puts me on hold for 10 minutes so he can go speak with his supervisor. My ass....he went to take a piss or smoke a cigarette. Then he gets on the phone and instructs me that he can have a tech out in a few days to change up the modem or I can go to the local office and switch the one I have for a new one. So I went down to the office in Willimantic and waited in line with 10 people. It seemed like everyone in line had their cable turned off because they owed money. Great!!!! Even better is they had this TV in the lobby that showed waves crashing on a beach over and over and over. They were attempting to show how clear the HD TV with an HD Cable box looked. News Flash....the clarity looked like shit....and after standing watching and listen to your little display for 20 minutes all I wanted to do is take a piss. I swapped the cable modems and guess what.....I can only get a connection when I connect directly to my PC. It won't work using my wireless network. I'm now going to my last resort and calling my IT buddy to help me. So....I pray he can help me and I don't need to call Charter again.

I have one more story....but what is the point.... I think everyone gets my point. I respect the fact that these corporations are trying to save money by farming out certain services. The one problem I have isn't working!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When consumers call customer service departments for the most part have a they usually aren't the happiest people in the world. So some genius out there said....hey here is a good idea....lets hire some people from another country who have learned English as a 2nd language and create a call customer service center. It can be difficult enough to work through a problem.... having a cultural and language barrier only makes it worse. The training needs to vastly improve or companies need to reconsider farming out calls centers. How can they be saving any money if their phone reps take twice the amount of time to handle problems mostly due to communication issues? I didn't put this blog together just because of my recent issues. Over the last couple of years I have heard similar stories from family, friend and business associates. I now know how they feel.

I think this issue will hit home when On Star farms out their call center and some of these board members and executives walk a mile in my (our) shoes.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Out with the Negative in with the Positive

It has been a while since I posted a new piece to read on my blog. I have a number of drafts on various topics but they seem so negative. For some reason I have a fear that I may offend someone. I usually fire up my PC and start writing if I'm stewing or bent about something. To give you an example the last 4 titles I have in draft land....

1) Customer Service & Speaking English for Dummies 10.1

2) Stress Brings Out the Rainman

3) How to Practice Doing Nothing and call it Art

4) Is there a difference Between Dungens & Dragons and Fantasy Football?

I have to dwell on this some more. I may just go the same route as the Cartoon TV Show Family Guy. If you watch this TV show then you know that they pick on everyone, everything, past, present and future.

Today the rest of this post will be about Happy and Positive Things or Just Things.


1) A Medium Size #9 Steak and Cheese at D'Angleo Sub Shop with the works....which includes hot peppers and mayo. Just thinking about it makes me so hungry

2) When your out at a local bar and the bart keep buys you a round of beers or shots. Free is Free and More is Better...makes ya feel loved.

3) Since were out drinking....a trip to Taco Bell at 1AM in the morning.

4) When your driving down the highway and someone is riding your bumper in the fast lane when your driving 70 move over....they wiz by....then you see them get pull over by the police. Happiness is waving to them while they are parked on the side of the road.

5) Watching my wife put her contacts in first thing in the morning. When you really think about the act itself so doesn't make sense. Think about it....she can't see without her she is pretty much totally blind.... she needs to find away to get a little round clear wet plastic circle onto her finger and into her eye. Why does this make me happy. I totally appreciate not having to do that since I have above average vision. Added bonus...she drops one and needs your help to locate it.

6) When you are eating out and the wait staff packages up your food to go. When you later open the to go container and notice they included the original dip/sauce plate ware or containers. This stuff is great to add to your own casual dining set.

7) Purchasing an item at the store and they totally screwed up and ring the item up at some totally ridiculous low price. Then you quickly walk back to your away...laughing like a mad scientist all the way home. OK...the laughing is optional but it makes me feel good.

8) You have no money on you but you find a way to purchase a generous meal at McDonald with some of your car change. I don't know what it is but the value menu is the best marketing idea this decade.

9) Channel surfing and landing on one of the movie channels playing the Shawshank Redemption. I have only seen the movie 100 times....but for what ever reason I need watch the whole thing. I have this same issue with Knights Tale, Braveheart & King Authur (one with Clive Owen).

10) Walking into Borders or Barnes and Noble...finding a book/magizine/comic book of interest, read it and then leave. It seems like stealing but they even help me locate what ever item I want to read.

I have so many more....but this is good for now. Thanks for reading....comments alway appreciated.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Thank You....May I have Shoes for 100 Please

I'll start with shoes..... How many freaking shoes do we need? My wife was cleaning out the family shoe closet. I was in horror to see how many shoes we had and why. I made some silly flip man comment on why THEY needed all those shoes anyways. In turn, she took all my shoes placed them in a basket and pretty much told me to keep them, toss them or find a 2nd home for them in my own closet. This should be pretty my surprise it was a difficult process to go through. I suddenly realized I became a whore to the shoe industry. Let me take you through my shoe journey.

First UP.....

Black Leather Dress Shoes - OK...I need them 5 days a week for work. I always wear a black belt with my suit pants. They go in the keep and easy to access pile.

Nike Running Shoe - OK...I use them at the gym (when I go) and for volleyball once a week. Preferred shoe, to go with, when running with the family and kids on a good weather day. They go in the keep and easy to access pile.

Reddish/Brown Casual Dress Shoe - OK...The shoe that goes with a pair of Dockers....kind of the casual night out. Need for the away business trip that is business casual. The shoe of choice when attending Church. Keep in closet but in the second row.

Brown Crocs - Ok...summer is over so these should be put away until spring. I kind of like to use them as easy to slip on and run out to the mailbox, find the dogs outside or need to get something in the car kind of shoe. Total Lazy man need to tie. Put them back in shoe closet by front door.

Leather Jesus Sandals - Ok... Summer is over and these need to go away until the summer. These are a must keep because they are so comfortable. Plus, if it’s a hot day they don't make your feet sweat as much as the Croc. Retire them in the closet for spring time.

Replaced Nike Sneaker - OK....Was once a great sneaker but was replaced with a newer model. Has a new role as the lawn shoe. Poor shoe looks all green and brown from laboring on the lawn. I need to keep these around until the snow comes or retire from lawn duty. Put them back in shoe closet by front door.

All White Leather Sneaker - OK.....Need to put these in the trunk of my car....just in case I forget my sneakers for the gym or volleyball. Kind of "On The Road" back up pair. Great, for last minute boating and fishing with the Old Man.

Darth Daddy Nike Sneakers - OK...Gift from Mary and Abby from Christmas. They actually had them made for me on the Nike website. They look like sneakers Superman would wear....same colors. I will use this sneaker for Volleyball if we lose more than 3 games in a row. Kind of my back-up lucky shoe. Put them in my closet in an easily accessible spot.

Brown Timberland like Leather Shoe - OK...I call it the man shoe and the shoe that makes me a little taller. Kind of the go to shoe when wherein jeans and a flannel shirt. I also like to wear them when Mary decides to wear heels. Great all around shoe for bad weather. Put them back in the closet by the front door.

L.L. Bean Hard Sole Slipper - OK...I call these the slippers I can never find when I need them. I do find them usually on Mary's feet or under her side of the bed. I know....hide them in my closet so I use them when winter comes. A majority of my home is tile and hard woods floors and they keep the little piggies warm. It’s been so long I wouldn't know.....but they are mine little precious slippers....precious.

Tan Tevas - OK....These are great to use at the pool, beach or a water park. Keep in my closet for next spring.

L.L. Bean Winter Boots - OK....Winter is around the corner and these are primo for walking in the snow. They also give you the extra traction when you’re hauling the kids back up the hill while sledding.....or de-icing the vehicles....or pushing your car out of the driveway. Such great memories!!!!!! Keep in the front closet

Brown Suede Slip on Shoes - OK....Gift from my brother a few years back. My wife has a matching pair too. I like to wear these when I'm feeling to fat to tie my own shoes. Slip on and off you go. Keep in my closet somewhere.

Wow!!!! You know what is sad. I didn't throw away one pair of shoes, sneakers, or boots. I found away to justify why I need each and every one of them. Now I know how a Sheik feels having all those wife’s

Its official.....I am a girl...or at least starting to act like one. This must be one of those tell tale signs I ran into a couple weeks ago. Is this normal or should I be worried. This is one of those Metro Sexual things. Yes? Maybe I should go shopping more often with my lady friends.....or guy friend that needs help. I'm so heading to the strip club after I finish this.....and not to try on shoes either.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Customer Service must be Engraved on my Forehead

Do you ever feel like the "Gods" are trying to tell you something? Does something happen to you on so often that you begin to wonder if the plan you put together for yourself is seriously flawed? After last week I'm really starting to wonder.

Most of my travel week consists of stringing meetings together and hopping from office park to office park. My clients are financial advisors and their clients. Most advisors would incorrectly refer to me as a wholesaler. Many of the day to day activities are the same but the one very big difference is I don't represent on particular product or company. I'm kind of one stop shopping for a whole breath of different financial products. Now that you are totally bored I will move on. For some reason I feel like I need to paint an occupational picture in order for this to all make sense.

The one great thing about traveling about daily is what you can get done in-between meetings. I can't tell you how many times my wife has called asking me pick something up or go on some trek on her behalf.

Spousal Unit: Hi Honey can you ......get milk, dog/cat food, cigarettes, stop into a store and exchange something, drop a check off, drop or pick up movies, and my favorite.....I found this place on the internet can you??????? I kind of become her only personally DHL (Designated Husband Lackey). Either you go or she goes when you get home. I find it easier to comply since I'm a master of locating and retrieving.

The things that use to drive me nuts are what happen to me during the work day going into these different stores. For some reason, no matter what store I'm in, other consumers always ask me for help in some way shape or form. I even had one employee ask if she could go on lunch break. I normally fancy a white shirt, tie and half a suit. When asked I use to laugh and then correct those needy consumers and direct them to the actual help. I'm tired, so as of late I've been taking the route of lease resistance. When someone asks me for help......that’s right....I help them. So as you can imagine this has lead to some great stories.....and I don't know where to I will just pick one. I was asked for help over the last 2 weeks in..... Verizon, Best Buy, Target, Borders Books, Pet Smart, Boston Market, Dick's Sporting Goods and the Glastonbury Town Library.


Some friends of ours purchased some beautiful baby gifts at Nordstrom’s for Evie. Unfortunately, the sizes were a little small and the items needed to be returned. I quickly volunteered to return the items. Mary always has a lot on her plate so I wanted to be helpful.....yeah right and I'll tell you another. Let me baby + Mary Shopping at Nordstrom’s = More $$$ Spent that shouldn't be. I will admit Mary is wonderful about not spending $$$ when not needed. Lets face it.....Mary going to Nordstrom’s is like Anakin resisting the dark side.....and we all know how that worked out.
I entered the store and immediately headed to the kids department. I was greeted by 2 very friendly young ladies that helped me exchange the clothes for something else. This was a quick and painless process and then I headed into the mall to grab a cup of coffee. When I returned I was stopped by a frantic women next to the men's department. She wanted me to know that she couldn’t find anyone to help her and she needs help looking for a suit for her son. I gave her the classic "Shit Eating Grin”....kind of like the one on the front page of this blog. Behind her was this thin meek fellow that didn't want to be here. I going out on a limb here but I think he wanted to be home playing World of War Craft or some other video game. So I looked at her and her son and told them to come with me I would assist them. She was going on and on about her son being honored for some type of award and all the nonsense he had to go through to get it. OK....first suit for junior....and I hope he moves far way to college. Mom is a nice lady but I suspect that junior has been groomed to be one of those over achievers. I love to be there when he has his first beer. Sorry....I digress...back to the story.
There was another sales person in the suit area very focused on helping a client. We didn’t even get a glance as we entered the department. I've purchased several suits to date so I new the whole process. I asked him how tall he was, and pants size. I looked at junior and asked him what type of suit he was looking for.....junior looked at me as if I asked him to spell a word, that he couldn't spell, at his last spelling bee. Mom chimes in with her 2 cents about something that will make her son look handsome. I almost pissed myself and I said "I sure your son will look handsome in any of these suits". He wasn't a bad looking kid just a little out of his element. So I grabbed 3 suits (I liked) off the rack and helped junior into the jackets of each one to see how it looked. As he put on each suit I gave them a little run down on the maker and quality of the suit. The good news is that all the suits offered at Nordstrom’s are of a high quality. I didn't want all of you to think me trying to sell them a bad product. I would have purchased any of the three suits I recommended. The jackets all fit fine and needed to be taken in just a little on the sleeves. Mom asked me some stupid questions like....will we help tailor the suit? I can see she has shopped here for suits before....not!!! He also tried on the pants and I helped him cuff them so he didn't trip to and from the dressing room. Mom couldn't make up her mind between a nice three button gray and white pinstripe suit and a three button black and gray pinstriped suit. Since she couldn't make up her mind I placed both suits on one of their flat tables and selected 6 ties and a couple standard white Nordstrom shirts. She ended up going with 2 suits, 3 ties and 2 white shirts. Then I asked them if he had a pair of shoes to go with the suit. She said NO, of course, and then asked me for my recommendation. I told to go with black and leather based shoe and gave her a couple local store names that have reasonable prices. Finally I noticed another clerk behind the check out counter. I walked over to the clerk and asked his name. He replied.... with almost a question... Gus? I walked Gus over to Mom and Junior and introduced them. At this point everyone looked a bit confused so I told everyone I needed to leave for another meeting. I told Gus that Junior needed his suits fitted by the tailor and told his Mom that her son was going to be the most handsome man in the room on his special day. She thanked me for my help and followed Gus and Junior to the fitting area. I grabbed what was left of my coffee and head to the parking garage. I smiled from ear to ear.....why....I don't know...maybe I was happy helping Mom and Junior out....or a little giddy knowing that Gus would soon realize I wasn't an employee. I'm sure he won't be to upset since he will get credit for the sale. That was a great lunch!!! So what did I learn....if I end up sucking at sell financial product....I can sell suits...suits at Nordstrom’s.....or other stuff at Victoria Secret?

Monday, October 22, 2007

Panera Bread....Rocks!!!!

As a traveling salesman I'm always on the go and spend most of my time in the car running from meeting to meeting. I have a few great tools that help me get a lot done during the like a phone with a zillion minutes and a crackberry....ops...I mean blackberry to check my e-mails. Its amazing how much you can get done anywhere and everywhere you can get a signal.
After having these tools for several years you almost find youself lost without them.
Over the last couple of months I've found a way to take this vitual office thing to the next level and help myself solve a big personal issue. When I travel I found myself grabbing lunch in all the wrong places..... and making myself believe that its OK because I'm so busy. I also refer to this work week activity as "Going for The Quick Comfort Lunch". McDonalds Value Meal on Monday.....Burger King Value Meal on Tuesday....D'Angelo Number 9 on Wedneday....Wendy's Value Meal on Thursday....and Friday is wide open for White Castle, Taco Bell, KFC and any other fast food place you can think of. These fast food places are everywhere and are found right off of most major roadways. The speed in which you get your meal using the drive through lens itself to needing a quick bite because you are running late. If I had any self control I would attempt to order some type of salad from these places.....this so doesn't work out. Let me sit here and enjoy this shitty fresh salad while everyone around me digs into a meal which is what you really want.....Cheeseburger and Fries, Nachos Bellgrande or Steak and Cheese with the works. Pretty much a meal that will fast track you to a heart attack, diabetes and additional money spent on clothes to a handle your expanding waist line and/or man boobs.
Then some genius created Panera Bread. They offer a whole menu of good food that is a lot healthier than anything descirbed above. Their menu consists of Soup, Salad & Sandwiches to order. They make their own bread and rolls daily for the sandwiches and will slice up a loaf of whatever to go as well. Most of their locations have generous seating space of booths and tables/chairs and a gas fire place. The decor is very vibrant with bright earthy colors, classical music flows in the air, trendy lamps that hang off and walls/ceiling and tiled floors in the heavy traffic areas. The restuarant enviorment as a whole is very open and encourages the patrons to hangout for a bit. Kind of a place to catch up with friends over a coffee, bring your coworks for lunch or capture a little time for yourself reading or surfing the net.
The one genius move they made is offering FREE WiFi so you can bring your computer and access the internet. This has been huge for me during the lunch hour. I've been able to access my e-mails, dowload attachements and connect to other work related sites. I call it a relaxing way to increase productivity. Starbucks has WiFi but it cost you if you don't already have Mobile T.
The one last important item to mention is the employees. They work extremely hard as a team to put out your order ASAP. Panera Bread couldn't employee slackers because they wouldn't last 5 minutes. They also employee individuals with specails needs to help with the table cleaning, dish washing and tray gathering. I had a chance to chat with a guy who specializes in job placement for special needs individuals. He mentioned that Panera Bread has been extremely supportive to their program all over the country. I was happy to hear that they take the time to give someone less fortunate a job so they can feel like a productive member of society. I was a recruiter prior to being a salesman.....and will always remember the countless reactions to someone being offered a job....and being proud of themselves.

I'm impressed with the overall product they offer and believe the free WiFi is a great way to attract the repeat customer. Attached is their main website if you want more info or their locations.

Chow for now.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Night with the Kids - Daddy Style... plus - I'm Batman

From time to time my wife gets her permission slip signed and she goes out with some friends for dinner and drinks. This is a big deal for a number of different reasons. Since my writing skills are that of a 12 year old....I figured (thinking again)... I would put together a list of the pro and cons for all to view.

Mary Pro

1) Gets a break from the kids

2) Spends time with friend old friends catching up

3) Enjoys good food and drink

4) Can Smoke and Drive in the Truck

5) Can visit the book store if time permits

6) Gets dressed in non-sweat pants type clothes

David Pro

1) Gets a break from the wife

2) Spends time with kids

3) Proves to wife he is not completely useless

Mary Con

1) Worries the kids will be good so she doesn't get a grumpy call from the spousal unit

2) May mis the kids?

3) Dreams she should make this a bi-weekly event

4) Gets dressed in non sweat pant type clothes

David Con

1)Needs to feed, play and get the kids ready for bed-time

2)Will need to listen to the kids complain (Abby) or cry (Evie) that Mom is not here and you suck at feeding, playing and getting everyone ready for bed

3)Is losing valuable time that could be used for a sporting event, general TV or XBox 360


I've been going at watching the kids thing all wrong. I believe last night I was able to come to terms with everything.....its all how you go about it.

Mary exits the house at 4:40 and as soon as she leaves Abby (6 year old) is over stating how hungry she is and the 13 month old squalk in the box has just announced to the house that she is awake and wants out of the crib. I wasn't quite in the mood to be "Super Dad" so I needed to get motivated and quickly. All my life I've been a collector/fan of DC comics and the various heroes within DCs universe. I knew what I needed to do....get into my super parent costume and jump into action. I ran into the bedroom and jumped into my Ralph Lauren sweat pants, put on my freshly stained wife beater T-Shirt and slid into my LL bean slippers. Step one completed....dressed for the roll and fashionably comfortable....OK. All good superheroes have a side kick.....what to do.....not the dogs, cats.....yes....I Know!!!!! ABBY.

Oh Abby!!!! Honey!!!!....maybe you should change into your princess, super hero costume and give Daddy a hand with the baby. From the couch....Abby gave me a look of uncertainty, thought for a second, then agreed and dashed off to her bedroom to change. I headed into Evie's room and greeted her with a big smile and asked how her nap was.

Disclosure: Evie is 13 months and does not speak....but does make sounds with her mouth otherwise know as noise, squalking, squeaking, crying, and screaming.

When I peaked into the crib I was hoping for a big smile, laugh or something that indicated she was happy to see me. The look I got was.....

Dude where is Mom?
If I knew you were coming I would of napped a bit longer.

I raised my hands to see if she wanted to come out and she shook her head side to side.....which meant NO. That whole vision of "Quality Time" was slipping away. My daughter preferred to sit in a rectangler wooden cage than come to me. Somehow I was looking for a way to blame Mary for this was part of her evil plan before she left. Moments later my savior arrived, the difference maker.....yes daughter side kick. Evie sprung to life with smiles and happy squeaks (noise) when she saw Abby. A few moments later we were all on the play rug. Abby kept Evie in a happy mode, and I was changing the Babies diaper. I felt like one of those tire changers in a NASCAR race. Once that was done I relocated everyone to the kitchen to get dinner ready. I faintly remember Mary telling me she made something for dinner. Then I opened the fridge door and found a red bowl filled with Keilbsa and Kraut. I was delighted with the dinner selection becasue I'm pretty sure Abby loves this stuff. I cut, heated and served dinner up to my little ladies. Abby begins to wolf her dinner down like one of the starving children in those commericals that have something to do with paying a $1 a day and feed a kid or small get my point. Evie wasn't ready to participate in the family meal.....she looked at me....looked at Abby..... (several times) and then drops a part of her dinner on the floor. Aspen (Dog - Great Preynes) was perfectly situated next to the high chair to help sample the dinner. Evie smurks at the dog and Aspen is up and ready to sample anything her new best friend will send her way. Evie kind of reminded me of an evil mini dictator controlling her minion with food. To my surprise Evie decides to eat her meal and occassionally tosses a piece of meat to Aspen. Once Evie was full she made sure everything that was left was shared with Aspen. Dinner was over about 5:45 and I needed to come up with a plan for the next 1hour and 15 minutes. While I cleaned up from dinner I placed Abby and Evie together on the play rug next to the kitchen. This consisted of Abby playing make believe with human, animal and dinosaur action figures. This also consisted of Evie taking any and every figure Abby started to play with and pinching her if she didn't give the toys up. I told Evie to play nice put she looked at me as if I had a mental problem.....similar to the look her mother gives me at least weekly. In a nut for Evie....not so fun for Abby. I know Mary has their Halloween Costumes all set but one would make a perfect Devil and the other an Angle. I'll let you guess which one is which.....moving on.

I have to tell you Abby was wonderful about play time with her sister.....if Evie was my little sister I would of kicked her ass for touching my toys. I don't encourage this behavior, but just trying to be truthful. Its amazing to realize that your 6 year old daughter is bigger person than you are. The good news is when I become a bitter old man Abby will be there to give me positive guidance and advice......the fact that I will most likely do the opposite is a whole other issue.....I digress. Where was I.....oh.

The next 50 or so minutes we played a whole punch of fetch the toy, sit/stand, roll over and bark like a puppy. I realized that many of these games were similar to some of the games we played when we took are puppies to training classes. This probably isn't a good thing....but most of the games are helping her increase her motor and vocal skills. Evie doesn't like to crawl yet....she slides her but on the floor, from place to place, using her hands and arms to pull her. She totally looks like an animal that had its back end run over by a car and is trying to get out of the road.

Soon enough time flew by and 7pm came......7pm = bath time and after bath time is bedtime and after bed time is Daddy watching the game or some other pointless show. So this is where good time management and creativity really kicks in. Its 7PM the baby needs her bath, Abby need to do her homework, and I was hoping that some way shape or form I could catch the pre-game to the Red Sox vs Cleveland game 4. Then a vision came to me from the gods themselves. I can give the baby a bath in the kitchen sink (one bay, deep and very large), abby can do her homework on the breakfast nook (which is next to the sink) and I can see and hear the pre-game on the flat screen from the kitchen. This worked out beautifully. Everything went perfectly!!!!!! Once Evie's bath was completed I dried her off, placed her in her jams and rocked her to bed. She was practically asleep before she was placed in her crib. The only item I had left was reading a book to Abby and then tucking her in. I have to tell you my 6 year old is scarey smart. As I walked back into the main room Abby was sitting on the couch waiting for me like prey. This how the rest of our night went down.

Daddy - Abby are you ready to go to bed.....its that time....go pick out a book

Abby - I have a better about some Pappa and Abby TV time

Daddy - Abby its getting late and you have school tomorrow, its a little late for

Abby - Daddy....its your favorite program....the one that you are in.

Daddy - ?

Abby - Look its Batman.....can we watch please

Daddy - OK....just a litte bit (Sucker)

When Abby was little I told her I was Batman.....for some reason she believes it....or is playing along. I laughed as we watched a 1/2 hour cartoon of Batman. I imagined myself all dressed up as Batman.....what I imagined was very disturbing....I looked more like a gray version of the fruit of a loom apple guy in those underwear commercials. We enjoyed our time together watching Batman open a can of whip ass on the bad guys. I finally had to ask her the following.....

Daddy - Why do you believe I'm Batman?

Abby - The look Pappa..... the look.

Daddy - Do you mean how we dress?

Abby - No Silly Pappa..... you know the look you give me when I forget to listen sometimes.....its the same as Batman. That's why I think you are him.

Daddy - Oh....I see

The cartoon ended, I read Abby her book, tucked her in and went back to my man throne (couch) and looked for the game.

I actually sat there and though of all the things Batman and I had in common.

Batman vs. Daddy

Good Shape

Batmans is a ladies man during the day. I'm in great shape if everyone is drunk and the moonlight is shining just the right way. Winner - Bats


Batman is Bill Gates rich. I only use the word rich by describing a cream sauce or a chocalate piece of cake. Rich in debt. Winner - Bats


Batman solves riddles and mysteries at night and runs Wayne Enterprises during the day. He has only saved the world as the brains of the Justice League 20 or so times. My problem solving skills aren't on his level...YET - Winner - Bats


Batman definately has social issues....not the most liked guy in the super hero community. If I had a dollar for everytime I said a prick like thing....I would be as rich as Batman. Most of the time its a misunderstanding. It goes to show ya...if your good looking, wicked rich fellow you can hire someone to be a prick too, kind of like a butler? Winner - Daddy

So what have I learned.......I'm no Batman.....I'm starting to feel like one of those red shirt security guys from Star Trek.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Grady's Tavern - A Wonderful Surprise

Most people in life look for some type of happy place that allows them to relax. This can be almost anything from your more usual......biking, hiking, fishing or your little extreme paintball, sky diving, roller coaster riders. To each their own......I look at all these activities as a potential true passions or just a place they like to visit to take a break from life.

One of my true passions is the search for the Perfect Pub/Bar/Tavern.

What is the Perferct Pub?

My definition is........ Good Food, Great Fresh Selectiong of Beers, Excellent Service and a Place of Character which includes the Bartender, Wait Staff and other Patrons. An Establishment that understands the importants of their clients having access to most sporting events and booking a good musical act that can attract some new visitors. An establishment that wants you to return and does what they can to earn your business and make you happy.

It seems like this list is pretty standard but you will be amazed how many places struggle with the above list. If your a Pub Crawler like probably understand what I mean. There are some other local bars that have very generous bar space but you need to flag down the bartender in order to get another round, the food is on the borderline of even being called food and unless you go with the more common brand names of beer you may be venturing into Skunkville. Sad : (

So let me introduce you to Grady's Tavern. I've attached their web site if you would like more information and their photo gallery. I would first like to describe Grady's Tavern as "Old School" . Let me give you the 25 cent tour...... you walk thru the main door and you see a small bar in the center of the floor with 8/9 bar chairs on the rights side and about 3/4 on the other side of the bar . There are 3/4 tables on both sides of the bar, 2 video games, 2 dart boards, a modern day juke box mounted on the wall, 4 small TVs mount in the corners and 2 larger TVs located on both sides of the bar. Looking around the bar you clearly see the decor on the walls fits the name of the bar perfectly plus a strong support for the Red Sox and Patriots.

What you learn in less than 5 minutes......

Grady = Irish

Red Sox/Patriot Fan = Boston Sports Fan

OK....nothing is really impressive so far.....your drinking in a small Irish Tavern you get a sense the owner is Boston Sports fans.....

Let me start with what is best about this tavern.....and it starts with the owner Peter Grady. Peter isn't one of these owner types that has a sense of self importance and hangs out at his place watching. Peter is the help!!!! A majority of the nights Peter is the Chef and puts together some of the best pub food dishes. So what is his secret......he cares ....and everything is hand made from scratch!!!! Deep down inside he wants his patrons to enjoy their meal.....and works to put together generous portions and quality food. Don't just order from the menu......the daily specials are fabulous. Peter doesn't live in the Kitchen unseen....he is normally working closely with the bartender to deliver the food and will help refill your beer. Depending on how busy things are he trys to say hello to familar faces, strikes up conversations and tells stories about anything or everything. One of the biggest surpises is he may even buy a round of beers or introduce you to what a beer shooter is. If you don't know what a beer shooter is then you will just have to stop down and find out. They have a fresh selection of bottled and draft beer. Don't overlook what's on may find something new and interesting.

All the bartenders do a great job behind the bar and each of them have character. Character is a hard thing to describe but they are very much really people.....not fake. One thing that you will learn quickly is some of the bartenders are Grady's kids. Sitting from my bar stool and listen to the conversations......everyone functions like a family....even non family members. Its rare NOT to see one of the other bartenders stop down for a beer before heading out to meet up with friends. I find it comforting to see the off shift employees indulging in food and beer when they could be somewhere else.

On weekend nights you can catch some great musical acts.....most of the music is Rock 'n Roll or Blues. Since I'm a Salesman I love the product they offer to the public....the whole thing....and I look forward to my next meal and beer at Grady's Tavern.

Please take some time to stop down and visit this special place.


I also wanted to give a shout out to LauRIE, Melissa, Chuck and Thomas who were great company at the bar and supported the idea of me creating this blog.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

I'm Scared of My X-Box 360

All my life I've been a fan of video games.....however I was one of those unlucky kids on the block. All my friends would play endless hours of Atari and would pretty much get my ass handed to me playing with them. My parents thought they were doing me a favor and bought me Coleco Vision. The only good game Coleco had was Donkey Kong and I would spend hours trying to save that ugly bitch princess from Kong. Granted Coleco had better graphics but Atari had the best games. Since everyone else had was really interested in playing Coleco.

When I went to college Nitendo was the system to have in your dorm room. I was much more interested in chasing girls and drinking.....preferrably at the same time than seperate. I didn't get caught up playing Nitendo but there was some fierce competition within my dorm to the point where fights broke out. Most gamers were interested in challenging one another to a sports type video game to win money or beer.

I pretty much left the video game scene unitl I got my first apartment. As a b-day gift my wife purchased me Play Station along with Mortal Combat. We spent endless hours together play.....and me kicking Mary's ass to the point where she didn't want to play anymore. I was a horrible winner. I remember her saying it I can't play nice then she didn't want to play anymore. She had a point but in my defense we were playing a game which consisted of 2 people fighting to the death. Now that you have been bored to death with where I fit into the home video game history.... I will get moving on my original intend of the post.

For my 35th b-day my wife went out and purchased me an X-Box 360 and HALO 3 game to go with it. I was originally upset with her for spending the money but then she told me the deal she got on the game and X-Box. She paid half what a normal shopper would so I felt a little better. I remember looking at the X-Box 360 an laughing to myself like a little devil. My wife was being loving and caring and wanted me to have something I wouldn't purchase for myself. She probably didn't realize the pain and suffering she would have to endure once I get the game up and running and the controller in hand. As soon as I began the game all I remember is hearing a voice call out like Charlie Brown's Mother in the Peanuts Cartoon. I became one with the game and slowly forgot my roll as a father, husband and care taker of several animals. I pretty much became useless to the real world but had a growing desire to become the best HALO 3 player in the world. God would have the last laugh in this story. For the next few nights I couldn't sleep.....I would have dreams/nightmares of the my Halo Enemies running me down within the HALO universe and, of course, I'm out of ammo. I felt it was time to give HALO a rest. My issues don't stop there.

I asked Mary to pick me up a XBOX 360 game at Blockbuster when she hits the movie store next. To no surprise Mary brings home one of the hotest games in the 360 world.... Bioshock. When I came home from work I couldn't wait to get through dinner to begin my quest in the Bioshock universe. The graphics and storyline was absolutely incredible.....but the game itself freaked me out. Its an under water city that went crazy in 1959. The game is very dark and you hear evil screaming, non stopvoices, and hystical women and children jump out of dark corners...... who are by the way.....totally insane.....and want to totally kill you and eat you too. Water is leaking out of walls, halls and tunnels.......each room has trails of blood and broken furniture. Everything about the game is truly art....but is way wrong. Its like your living in a really really really scary horror film. After a couple hours of play I had to turn the game off.....I'll admit totally freaked me out. I told Mary last night that the game was cool....but I don't think I can play it....too scary. She gave me that know which one....."Your being a total pussy look". This morning she watched me package up the game, even though we have 4 days left on the rental, and put it in my car to be returned.

I'll be looking a new game...something like Gumpy and Pokey Adventure Game or something with Strawberry Shortcake?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

How to Screw Up Your Child on Columbus Day

Within a normal week (Monday - Friday) my clan has a pretty normal schedule.....I head out into the field to work, Abby goes to 1st grade for the day, and Mary and Evie spend the day keeping the house in order, inbetween play/nap time and the occasion trek to gramas. So when school is going to be closed due to a dead president or some other national holiday I try take some time off to spend part of one of those days with Abby.

I will usually make plans for us to go somewhere to have a little Daddy/Daughter quality time. Mary is wondeful about Abby and I taking our little trips, even though deep down inside she wishes she could come. When we walk out the door she usually gives me that look.....which I haven't figured out what it means.....its either ....bring my daughter back safe or I hope you have a good day while I deal with the demands of the 13 month old Squalk in a Box.....maybe a little of both.

Mary is a lot more fun than I am..... pretty much all the this is chance to leave the "Fun One" at home so by default I become the center of my 1st borns world. I'm not proud of my tactics but I have very little time before I will be deemed uncool and with not be allowed to be scene in public (mall, movie theature, get me).

So on Columbus Day I make plans for us to see Seeker in the afternoon and then an early dinner at Worcester Street Pizza in Manchester CT. My day is going wonderful as we head to the daughter is gleeming with joy in her car seat, were singing songs is good. We get to the movie, grab the tickets and spend a small fortune on popcorn, soda and candy. We are in our seats 10 minutes before the movie will start. Then I start to think....did I forget anything...oh I remember.

David - Abby do you have to go to the bathroom?
Abby - No I don't need to go
David - We have 10 mins before the movie starts are you sure?
Abby - I'm thanks papa
David - OK....if you have to go during the movie we may mis some important parts
Abby - OK papa

5 minutes later Abby jumps out of her seat and wants to head for the bathroom. I saw this coming a mile away. I collect all our stuff and head to the bathroom. I wait outside the bathroom and people pass me by looking at me like the guy who couldn't control himself at the concession stand....but whatever. Abby runs out of the bathroom and heads back to our same seats. As I follow Abby back up the steps to our seats which are on the top in the last row. Everyone was kind of giving me a dirtly look.....the loser Dad look. Then it dawned on me that I have my Red Sox hat on....they must be a punch of Yankee fans.... or they were annoyed that I let my kid run up the stairs by herself.....oh well.....get over yourself. So the movie starts and Abby and I are watching the previews. I always enjoy previews so I can see which movie Abby is most interested in seeing around the holiday. The first preview is "The Hitman" a movie based on a video game in which a guy kills lots of people....NO....the next is George Clooney taking on corporate america....NO... the other movies were a combination of horror, killing and fighting....ALL NO. I guess not a lot of offerings from Disney this year. Then the movie begins......a punch of Zombies running down the street killing, eating, mauling people in different parts of the country for the first few minutes......this movies was rated PG....what is this all about.....then it hits me as the title of the movie finally flashes up on the screen......Resident Evil 3....oh shit.....Abby we need to go....wrong movie.....she had her head stuffed inbetween her knees and chest in horror. So I sling Abby over me shoulder with one arm....grab the popcorn and soda in the other and dash down the stairs headed for the exit. As I head down the stairs I find myself talking to the audience letting them know that we went to the wrong theater. Once we get into the hall I let down my 6 year old who is somewhat in shock.

David - Sorry baby wrong more down....are you OK
Abby - Daddy!!!!! Daddies aren't suppose to take their kids to movies like that
David - I know bad....we went back to the wrong theater.
Abby - You know I'm going to have to tell Mom.
David - I know..... but she will understand it was a mistake. Kind of like Mommy getting lost driving.
Abby - Yeah!!!! She get lost a lot with Grama....

The rest of our afternoon went perfect... we told Mom about the mix when we got home and Mary and I both look at each other in silence wondering if there will be any fall out from my screw up. When I write fall out....I mean nightmares.....lets just say my side of the bed has been much smaller the last couple of nights. My little voice inside has been repeating the following.....Good going genius!!!!! Maybe next time you can take her down to a slaughter house to show her how meat is made.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

300 - Movie Review - I Want to Be a Spartan

300 is a great all around flick and can be debated as one of the top 10 war movies to date. Men can enjoy the violence and few stood againist many theme. Women seem to enjoy the similar resemblance the Spartans have to the modern day Chip & Dale dancers with shields and swords. They filmed the whole move on a sound stage and they did an incredible job with the graphics. I never got the feeling they weren't really on Greece. The fight scenes were well put together and left you craving for more, and more and more. The acting all around was great. Gerald Butler lead the charge as King Leonidas with command. All the other sporting actors did a great job adding value to the film with their acting. Several of them owned their scenes. As you watch the film you may find yourself thinking...."What other film did I see him or her in". I don't like to give up the story lines in my this case if you don't know a little history....but I can give you a little insight on the cast and what other films they were in. You won't be surprised to know that most of them stole a scene or two from some of these other films.

Gerald Butler - Timeline, Reign of Fire, Phantom of the Opera
Lena Headey - (Kings Wife) - The Cave, Brothers Grimm - Will be Sara Connors in the up coming TV spin off from the Terminator.
Dominic West - 28 Days, The Forgotten, Mona Lisa Smile....he was even a Palace Guard in Star Wars - Phantom Menace
David Wenham - Lord of the Rings - Faramir, Van Helsing
Rodrigo Santoro - Paulo from LOST (TV Series)
Stephen McHattie - From TV, to Movie and Even Video Games. He has been connected to over a 125 movies and/or TV/Media.

Go to IMBD if you want more info

This is the type of movie a college or professional sports coach would show his team during the week before and upcoming game. I have to say it makes me want to be a Spartan.....but I doubt I would of made the final So what is my rating for this movie. Once again my rating aren't stars or thumbs. The following ratings are the choices.

1) Must see in the movie theature
2) Rent went if first comes out
3) Rent if there is nothing better available
4) Ask for 2 hours of your life back.

My rating for this movie is "Must see in the movie theature".
I would also add, Must Own the DVD

Monday, July 30, 2007

Star Trek - The Best Captain - Debate

I was reading another blog regarding Star Trek and it made me wonder "Who was/is/going to be (Star Trek is in the Future) the better Captain. I have had the opportunity to watch almost all of the episodes in Star Trek, The Next Generation, Deep Space 9, Voyager, & Enterprise. For starters I will leave my opinion and my reasoning behind it. I welcome input and comments.

Kirk - Granted he was the first Star Trek Captain we were introduced too back in the 70's. He was aggressive, tough and known for romances with various aliens from planet to planet for the greater good of peace. Let's face it Kirk was a Cowboy and made sure those he encountered knew that the The United Federtion of Planets were here for Peace but we don't take shit from anyone. He had great instints during a battle but didn't always handle his interactions with other new species the best. Without Spock at his side his time as a Captain would of been limited - Overall Score B+

Picard - He was the most diplomatic Captain of them all. He would rather put up shields then fire on an alien. Picard was a good captain for the times. He had the most talented crew and knew how to get the most out of them. The Federation was going through their growing pains. Trying to expand but needed to continue to florish the relationships they currently had. Picard needed to be the thinker for this version of Star Trek. He had Ritker who had an edge similar to that of Kirk. Together they made a great team.

Overall Score B+

Janeway - She had the toughest assignment of all the Capitains. She needed to merge two crews into one without any assistance from Star Fleet Headquarters. They were only 300 plus light years from the nearest starbase otherwise know as federation space. Imagine everywhere you one has a clue who you are and what you stand for. She was Starfleet and didn't have the support of other captains or top brass to help her with her decisions. I believe her pitfall as a Captain was her emotions. She seemed too emotional in her decision making process and I believe limited her overall success as a captian. She did a great job keeping the crew together.

Overall Score B-

Sisco - Captain Sisco was the Captain of Deep Space Nine. I feel that he had some of the best qualities of all the captains. He was as tough as Kirk, patient and diplomatic as Picard and as compassionate as Janeway. He had one of the most challenging assignments of all the Captains. He never got a break from the different non-federation species. He had to maintain federation law on a space station with those who were not required to be part of the federation. He had a worm hole on the port side of his station that opened to a whole new part of the galaxy. He had to welcome non-federation speices onto the station for trade, but also in the hopes for ongoing peace.

Overall Score A

Archer - He had one of the most crusial and toughest assigments as the FIRST Enterprise Captain. There wasn't really a handbook on how to be a Captain in outerspace. Several spieces wanted to see earth fail. Archer didn't do a whole lot right from a combat and dipliomatic standpoint. He did learn from trail and error and helped lay the pavement for all the Captains. This was one of the hardest times to be a Captain. The Federation didn't really have their idenity away from earth and top brass wasn't much help at times. Living and Learning from mission to mission really help him and his crew grow. Archer had one of the least talented crews due to their limited knowledge and backgrounds around space travel.

Overall Score B-

The Contract - MOVIE REVIEW - Click here to see more info on The Contract

I have to say I've only seen one movie with Morgan Freeman that I didn't like.....and this wasn't the one. This is a typical in the wrong place at the right time....and lets take the moral high ground kind of movie.

The plot has to do with a father (Cusack) who wants to redeem himself in the eyes of his son and runs into a world-class assassin (Freeman) he wants to bring to justice. Freeman's buddies are out to find him so they can get back to business. I don't like giving out the total story line because the fun of watching a movie is figuring out what is going to happen without someone telling you. I thought the acting would be better with Freeman and Cusack leading the charge. I thought Freeman made the most of his character and Cusack didn't seem comfortable in his. There was not chemistry between the characters or even between Cusack and his son. I've never found Cusack's acting scope to include "A Father or Father Figure" He has always been the lone, misunderstood person, that means well, but mostly misunderstood until the end of the movie. I like him best in the LONER roll because that is where is acting shines. The story line seemed to steal from several movies over the last decade that had to do with runaways, fugitives, assassins and presidents. As I watched the movie I couldn't help but recall other movies....during certain scenes. I found this a tad distracting. I also fell asleep a couple of times and had to watch certain parts over. The speed of the movie compares to mowing your lawn in 1st gear. Most of us that mow lawns prefer a higher speed because we have other things to do and want to save time. Just like this get anixious to push the acting and plot lines to move faster. I don't rate my moves with stars or thumbs. I have four main catergories. Should or Should of seen in the Theature, Rent it first thing when on DVD, Catch on DVD if you have nothing else to watch, Wish you had 2 hours of your life back.


I rate this movie......Rent it if you have nothing else to watch. Cusack and Freeman are great actors.....Freeman does a good job with his part which makes this movie somewhat watchable. The link is listed on the top if you want more info on the movie.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Things I hate - This Week :)

This blog goes againist my main goal in life which is stay happy and positive. I'm only human and during a week I feel empowered to list just some items that week in and week out get to me.

1) - How they package lunch meat at the deli in the grocery store. When you go to open the cheese or lunch meat they fold it so the price sticker will rip the bag when opened. This immediately makes you question how long the deli items will stay fresh. Why can't they place the price sticker flat rather than fold the plastic bag then stick. I'm making a mental note to see if they can do this without going against the "Deli Slicer Code". Its in a zip lock bag...I just don't get the folding.

2) - During a conversation with a friend, business associate or anyone for that matter.......
They start the sentence, comment, conversation out with the following. To be honest with you.......
I'm cut from the cloth that honesty should be automatic. Do people need to use this "To be honest with you" because they lie most of the time. It makes me about you. No LIE to me...OK it's a bit annal but I have a point.

I will have more to post in next weeks blog...The Things I hate - Next Week. Back to work lunch time is over. The road is calling my name......